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Campus Resources

Academic Support and Learning Advancement (ASLA)

The Office of Academic Support and Learning Advancement provides support across courses and academic strategy planning. Explore opportunities for peer tutoring, study groups, academic leadership development, and more. Find more information and learn how to make an appointment on their website:

Accessible NU

If you have been diagnosed with a disability, you may receive accommodations in your classes by registering with Accessible NU. Accessible NU can also refer students who suspect they may have an undiagnosed learning disability. Their website is:

Campus Inclusion and Community

The mission of Campus Inclusion and Community is to work collaboratively with the university community to cultivate inclusive learning environments through the intentional engagement with difference. Their website is:

Center for Awareness Response and Education (CARE)

The mission of CARE is to create a culture of healthy sexuality at Northwestern University where sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking are not tolerated. CARE is a confidential space for students impacted by sexual violence, relationship violence or stalking, including friends or partners of survivors. Their website is:

Financial Aid

Northwestern offers aid based on demonstrated financial need. A variety of other financing options are available for those who are not eligible for need-based aid. Their website is:

Fraternity and Sorority Life

Fraternity & Sorority Life supports educational programs, social activities, service projects, and leadership development opportunities. Northwestern currently has 47 values-based chapters across four governing councils that range in mission from social to service to cultural; however each chapter was founded on the principles of scholarship, service, leadership and community. Their website is:

Health Professions Advising (HPA)

Health Professions Advising offers support for students who want to pursue health- and healthcare- related careers. Their website is:

Leadership Development and Community Engagement

In partnership with the Division of Student Affairs, the office of Leadership Development & Community Engagement serves as a connector, convener, and collaborator to support students’ development and engagement on and off campus. They pursue justice & equity through students’ leadership development and engagement in the community with non-profit and K-12 partners. Their website is:

Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA)

Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) enriches the cultural experience of Northwestern through leadership and education programming, providing opportunities for community engagement and identity expression, and assisting students in navigating the University. Their website is:

Northwestern Career Advancement (NCA)

Northwestern Career Advancement aids student in internship and full-time job searches, deciding on career paths, cover letter and resume writing, preparing for interviews, and more. The office also sponsors workshops, events, and career fairs. Their website is:

Northwestern University Health Services

Northwestern University Health Services provides medical care to students, and offers health promotion programs to help students develop healthy lifestyles. For information about their range of services and how to make an appointment, visit their website:

NU Help

NUhelp is designed to provide community members with access to university resources and services that serve NU students. You may share a concern for a student, identify safety and security resources, discover health and wellness programs, and find academic assistance specific to a college/school. With support and assistance of the NU Associated Student Government.

NU Libraries

The libraries’ holdings include immense and varied collections, databases and electronic journals, governmental information and more. In addition to providing educational materials in both hard copy and electronic formats, NU libraries can support research activities, and assist with access to educational facilities and equipment. To learn about their full range of services, visit:

Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance

The Office of Equity works to create a culture of access, belonging and accountability for all Northwestern community members. That includes supporting those impacted by discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct and providing reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities. Their website is:

Office of Fellowships

Fellowships are competitive awards that pay students and alumni for a short period of time, from a few months to a couple of years, to do creative projects, research projects, community outreach, academic study, or professional-development internships. At the Office of Fellowships, a team of specialists matches students with awards and serves as coaches and mentors throughout the application process. Find available fellowships and advisors on their website:

Office of International Student and Scholar Services (OISS)

The Office of International Student and Scholar Services provides advising services and supportive programs to Northwestern’s international students and scholars. For information about visas, working in the U.S., and more, visit:

Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR)

Are you an undergraduate student interested in conducting independent research, working on a creative project, or being a research assistant? Learn project management and grant writing skills that will support your post-college aspirations at the Office of Undergraduate Research. OUR awards funding to hundreds of students each year. Learn more about application deadlines and schedule an appointment with an advisor at their website:

Residential Services

The Undergraduate Housing Office makes room assignments for undergraduate students. For questions about billing, resident educational programs, advising hall governments, and residential communities, visit their website:

SoC Advising

Your advisor can help you with course planning, identification of academic opportunities, time-management, note-taking and study skills, or any challenges or frustrations you may be having. Their contact information is on the SoC Advising site, at The advising site also includes information on major and minor requirements, policies and rules, and general academic information.

Student Assistance and Support Services (SASS)

The Student Assistance & Support Services team assists students by coordinating campus and community resources to promote well-being when dealing with complex issues. SASS members are available to consult with students, faculty, staff, families and community members/providers to determine the best approach for a student’s current situation. Their website is: about-us/our-office/assistance-support

Student Enrichment Services (SES)

Student Enrichment Services is committed to building an inclusive Northwestern community by engaging students and their allies with programming and dialogue around the low-income and first-generation experience. Their website is:

Student Finance

Student Finance helps students navigate questions concerning student accounts, billing and payments, financial aid and student loans. It is the hub of student financial information and transactions. For more information, visit their website:

Student Organizations

Students have access to numerous opportunities that build a sense of belonging and community at Northwestern University. Visit here to see a sampling of SoC-affiliated student organizations, as well as resources for getting connected.  

The Office of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

The Office of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers counseling and support services to students free of charge. They offer a series of workshops dealing with issues that are central concerns of many students, and a stress clinic:

The Religious and Spritual Life Office

The Religious & Spiritual Life Office is a place to reflect and connect; it seeks to support the quest for meaning and purpose through exploration, practice, and growth in Northwestern’s religiously diverse and inclusive communities. Their website is:

The SoC Undergraduate Dean

The Undergraduate Dean, Lori Baptista, can help guide you to support services and work with you in managing academic issues when challenges such as illness, family emergencies or mental health issues arise. Call 847-491-7214 or email if you have any concerns or would like to make an appointment with Dean Baptista.

The Writing Place

The Writing Place, located in the University Library, provides free peer tutoring for writing. You can learn more and sign up for an appointment on their website:

Undergraduate Academic Resource Portal 

If you’re a Northwestern student, you’re a skilled learner — but that doesn’t mean you never need help. Explore the Portal for tutoring across many different academic areas. You can also use it to find a group study, general academic support, and other academic opportunities: undergraduate-academic-resources

Women’s Center

The Women’s Center is dedicated to fostering a campus climate that promotes equity and enriches the personal, professional and academic lives of all members of the University community, particularly women students, staff and faculty. Their website is: