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Health Professions Advising for 2024

Interested in becoming a physician, dentist, veterinarian, physician assistant, physical therapist, pharmacist, nurse, occupational therapist, or one of the many types of healthcare professionals?


Fill out the intake form below to get assigned a HPA advisor! We will follow-up via email with next steps!


Click Here to Complete the Intake Form!

Transfers will be assigned an advisor in August and First Years will be assigned an advisor in October.

HPA aims to advise, engage, connect, and prepare all undergraduate students and alumni to pursue careers in the health professions. We will help you explore the various health professions, understand the required course prerequisites, offer guidance on the experiences needed to support a strong application, provide opportunities and resources on how to gain those experiences, supply knowledge on the application process, offer support through the application cycle, give feedback on application materials, and help you prep for professional interviews.