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Buffett Institute for Global Affairs – Undergraduate Open House

The Buffett Institute for Global Affairs offers students a variety of opportunities to deepen their understanding of people and places around the world. You can get involved in a faculty member’s international research project, go abroad, win funding for your senior thesis and meet friends who share your interests. Please join us for an open

Global Engagement Studies Institute’s (GESI) Summer 2024 program

The Global Engagement Studies Institute (GESI) is a study abroad program that provides undergraduates with the knowledge, tools, and experiences to partner with communities and confront shared global challenges. Working in internships, students join interdisciplinary teams and support the efforts of local organizations to advance community-driven, sustainable development. If you are looking for a program

Upcoming Events – ASLA’s Navigating Northwestern Academics

Demystifying the Role of Faculty: Creating a Connection with Your Professors Thursday, January 18, 2024 – 5:30-7:00 Student Enrichment Services- Foster Walker- House 6- KC Lounge This is event is focusing on the FGLI student experience. Hear from FGLI faculty and students on how to navigate relationships with faculty and create meaningful connections. Participants will

Conversation with Alums Greg Berlanti & Julie Plec: Nov 7, 1-2pm

Join us for this special conversation with alums Greg Berlanti and Julie Plec to learn about their incredible careers in entertainment! Moderated by Eliza Bent, Assistant Professor of Instruction- Radio/Television/Film with a Q&A at the end. When: Tuesday, November 7 Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM Where: Annie May Swift Auditorium – 1920 Campus Drive Please

Critical Language Scholarship – Application Now Open – Info Session October 19

We are delighted to announce that the application is now open for the U. S. Department of State’s 2024 Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program, including its virtual initiative, CLS Spark! U.S. undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply to study a critical language on a funded overseas or virtual summer program.  The application is available at The deadline

2022-2023 ASG Faculty & Administration Honor Roll Nominations

The annual Associated Student Government (ASG) Faculty & Administrator Honor Roll is back! We are asking you, the students, to provide thoughtful and engaging feedback on how faculty & administrators at the university have positively impacted your Northwestern experience throughout the 2022-2023 school year. All information that you share with us will remain confidential, and

TedxNorthwesternU: This Sunday!

Come to Lutkin Hall at 2pm on Sunday, May 14, to watch Northwestern’s annual Tedx conference! Find out more information in the attached flyer and purchase tickets here.

#MeToo Movement Summer Seminar, July 17-Aug 13

Spend three weeks of the summer exploring the #MeToo movement! Read the attached flyer for more details. COMP LIT 307/PHIL 370 #MeToo Trails: Consent, Doubt and Punishment in Law, Literature (& Cinema) MWF 2-4:30    

Annual Writing Competition: Now Open!

The English Department Annual Writing Competition is now open to students of every major. These are cash prizes given to students for outstanding achievement in writing. The competition closes May 1st. Find more information on the flyer below: