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School of Communication Special Courses


The School of Communication (SoC) advances the arts, sciences, and practices of human communication through experimentation, exploration, and collaboration. SoC Special Courses are opportunities to dive deeper into a well-focused topic and/or participate in experience-based learning not already covered in existing SoC courses. These courses are intended for experimentation and offer an opportunity to engage in research, scholarship, collaboration, or connection to industry.

The SoC Special Courses include:

Why Choose a Special Course?

These course offerings are excellent ways for students to advance their study of communication and engage in serious play through experimentation, exploration, and collaboration. Students in these courses have the opportunity to go beyond the curriculum in their SoC major to further facilitate creative and professional experimentation, deepen their exploration of passions and aspirations, and provide additional opportunities to foster meaningful collaboration with peers, faculty, industry professionals, staff, and alumni.

Learning Goals for Special Courses
  1. Gain an In-depth Understanding of a Specialized Topic: Participating in one of these special courses involved selecting a topic of subject of interest not already covered by a SoC course. This allows students to delve deeply into a chosen area and gain a comprehensive understanding beyond the departmental course offerings.
  2. Strengthen Exploration, Critical Thinking, and Research Skills: These courses require exploration of the topic or industry, research, and critical thinking. Students will need to gather and analyze relevant information, synthesize ideas, and present findings coherently.
  3. Experiment and Innovate for Skill Development: Students can explore and foster the development of an array of skills including problem solving, critical thinking, communication, leadership, teamwork, time management, and adaptability. These skills hold immense value in academic and professional environments.
  4. Collaborate with and Learn from Faculty, Industry, or Peers: Special courses require close collaboration and learning with others. Depending on the course, you will work closely with a faculty sponsor, peers, or industry professionals to explore the topic, examine learning goals, and receive feedback. This collaborative feedback process assists you in identifying areas for improvement and personal growth, contributing to a richer learning experience. This can lead to stimulating discussions and expose you to different perspectives and ideas.