Transfer Credit Students may transfer in courses taken at another institution, and apply them toward their Northwestern degree. However, the number of courses that may be taken at another institution is limited by the Undergraduate Registration Requirement (URR), and depends on whether a student matriculates as a first year or a transfer student, as well as whether a student is enrolled in a
Advising Category: Study Beyond SoC
Students are encouraged to consider studying abroad at some point during their educational career. Most aspects of study abroad are handled by the Global Learning Office (GLO). If you are interested in studying abroad, it is a good idea to visit GLO before the end of your first year at NU. Some study abroad programs have language requirements, so it is important
SoC students have the option of pursuing minors and certificates either within or outside of the School of Communication. The School of Communication does not limit the number of minors or certificates a student may declare. Courses taken for a non-SoC minor or certificate may apply to the distribution or elective requirements for your SoC major. SoC does not restrict the double counting of courses
SoC students have the option of pursuing double majors or adjunct majors outside of SoC. For SoC students who want to declare a double major, adjunct major, or minor, the primary major is the major in the School of Communication, and at graduation, you will earn one degree in communication. You must complete all degree requirements for your
The dual degree program in communication and engineering offers students the opportunity to earn both a bachelor of science in engineering and either a bachelor of science or bachelor of arts in communication in five years. Students may select any of the available programs of study in engineering. They may also select any of the School
Music and Communication Dual Degree Program The dual degree program in music and communication offers students the opportunity to earn either a bachelor of music or bachelor of arts in music and either a bachelor of science or bachelor of arts in communication in five years. Acceptance into the Bienen School of Music via audition is required for
Northwestern University School of Professional Studies (SPS) offers evening and weekend programs that are primarily designed and intended to meet the educational needs of working adults. Under special circumstances, SoC Undergraduate students may want to enroll in an SPS course. SPS courses may be applied to a SoC degree if they are similar to classes
Chicago Field Studies (CFS) is a for-credit internship program through the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, but open to undergraduate students from any college within Northwestern. Students may apply to CFS for a quarter of their choosing, including the summer. Once accepted, students work with a CFS advisor to be matched with an internship